- Cod, Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes and Garlic
- Cannelloni Beans with Seitan, stir fry
- White Eggplant Lasagna
- Salmon with Elizabeth Salad (see the recipe below)
- Tofu Stir Fry
- Split Pea Ginger soup
- Haddock with Mushroom and Asparagus risotto
For our other two meals we've been eating a lot of veggie burgers, yogurt, co-op bread (and homemade...my feeble attempt), fruits and veggies, salads, local eggs, and beans. Workouts have included the amazing cardio kickboxing class at SUNY Potsdam-Monday, Wednesday, Friday and individual training. Basically we're all hoping to look like this after 3 weeks.....
love this...love the tulloch family...you guys already look like baywatch stars though.
Hey Sarah, I came upon your blog through FB and I like it! I've been living with my parents for a few months and cooking quite a bit but it's been hard with all the different appetites...my brother likes food that is terrible for you and my parents both have high cholesterol. Yikes. I would love to know what your mushroom haddock with asparagus risotto was like. Thoughts?
Also congrats on cooking school!
Elizabeth- Do I know you? If so, please tell me who you are! The haddock was fine- nothing special. Risotto is always good I find. Although the rice I used was not so great this time because they didn't have the kind I like to get. So it was a bit dense.
Oh whoops, yes you do know me but it's been awhile! I forgot my last name wasn't on here. But I am a random person...Elisabeth Coen? Gordon? Sorry for the stalkerish nature of this! I have just been cooking a lot and have been looking at some cooking blogs lately. Glad you are doing this! Hope it goes well, I look forward to reading more!
Yes I know you!!! So glad you're following! I'll try to post more...I get lazy. Not stalkerish at all..I read some blogs daily and feel like a stalker at times, but that's what they're for!!!!
Thanks again for reading
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